Sunday, April 06, 2008

Red Cross Scam

Wow, who knew that humanity could sink so low... A friend of mine just recently received a phone call from some woman claiming she was from the red cross and my friends son had been injured in Iraq. The unidentified woman asked my friend to confirm personal information about her son. Turns out it was all a scam. It's horrible! She went through hell thinking her son had been seriously injured. She hadn't heard from him in a month as it was and then to receive a call like that! It was confirmed by her son's unit that he was safe and sound thank God. The people doing this need to be severely punished.

Read what th Red Cross has to say about this:,1077,0_314_6732,00.html

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ghost Stories

Well since I've been housebound from all this snow it's getting to my brain. I hear strange noises and freak out. This was my grandfathers house and he passed away almost two years ago now. I have to wonder if he is still here watching over. It doesn't help that I am now watching the discovery channel and ghost stories are on. I think though this place is peaceful overall. When I was younger, I was convinced the house I lived in was haunted. The lights went out in my bedroom once and there was no one there to turn them off, the breaker had not been triggered, my radio had stayed on, it was weird. Other things happened that were unexplained. We had a drawer in our bathroom that always had hairbrushes, fingernail clippers, hair ties and stuff like that just thrown in it. At night I would hear someone rustling through it. Sometimes we would find pieces of costume jewelry in the drawer that we had never seen before. I love that book Haunted Northern New York, it has a few places near by and it's just interesting history. Just before Christmas I went to clairvoyant who was doing a group reading. I went with my aunt and she was picked as having two spirits around her. It was pretty accurate.