Wednesday, October 07, 2015


It's early October in my neck of the woods.  So far the weather has been pleasant, minus two windy cold days when we had to run the wood stove during the day.  What few pretty leaves had fallen to the ground ready for children to collect, were blown around making them crumpled at the edges and dried out in spots and rendering them noncollectable.  We did salvage some and pressed them in between sheets of wax paper.  The smell of pressing fall leaves is one that sticks with me and brings me back to my childhood.   We will have to wait another week for the more vivid colors to pop and alas... fall to the ground.  It's a fun, yet somber tradition as we admit to ourselves that these leaves will never live again and we'll have to winter over to see the new green leaves in the spring.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Harvest Season

It's September, one of my favorite months in the North Country.  It's still warm during the day yet cool at night and gradens are still producing quite a bit of veggies.  I've tried my hand at growing purple tomoatoes this year and it was successful.  The low acid variety look like plums more than anything but have a great earthy tomatoe taste.  My snap pes are still coming and the cabages are almost ready to harvest too, on top of a bunch of beefsteak tomatoes and cherries. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dannemora inmates escaped

Being fairly near the region of the Dannemora Prison has got me a bit nervous.  Just days ago two violent criminals escaped and still have not been found.  Chances are slim that they have come this way but, it does make you look at people suspiciously.  Yesterday I thought the mailman even looked like one of these guys.  I blinked and realized no, my mailman is a woman who looks nothing like a hardened murderer, just relax. ok, maybe I'm more nervous than I realized.