Thursday, May 25, 2006

Behind every powerful man is a strong woman

Ok, I have a theory that the reason we (The U.S) were so successful (or so the story goes) in WWII, is because of the great PR work. Posters were every where recruiting everyday people and especially stay at home women to pick up the cause. It's a pyscological thing when you see a poster of a strong woman holding down the fort. The men fighting probably felt secure, in a way, that things were being taken care of at home. I think in this war and much more so in Vietnam, the soldiers feel seperate from the rest of the population. We do not want to islolate our fighting force. It makes them either feel inferior or superior. I think a strong woman in the military could even appreciate seeing civilian women supporting the cause. Suberbia is run by cunning, smart women who can network like crazy. Someone knew that during WWII and used that to our atvantadge. Now, the only glorification of these women is Desperate Housewives. It's such a waste of a valuable resource... our citizens.

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