Friday, January 06, 2006

Gossip is Queen here

I love small towns simply for the stories that are generated. Example: We own a wood lot up the road from where we are living. Last summer my husband drove by one day and noticed an umbrella under a large tree by the side of the road. He then noticed a pair of shoes coming out from underneith the umbrella and realized a man was connected to the shoes. He stopped on the side of the road and yelled out to the man to see if he was ok. The man sleepily awoke and told him (in a foreign accent) that he had been walking a long distance and was tired so he fell asleep under the big oak tree because it had a lot of shade. My husband noticed the man had a large black bag and felt a little strange about the situation. We are in the middle of nowhere and for this man to be sleeping under our tree was odd to say the least. Also, my husband is a former Marine who served in Iraq so his paranoia is a lot higher than most. He went to our neighbor's house and they decided to call the Sheriff just to be on the safe side. The Sheriff came, checked the guy out and actually gave him a ride to where ever he was going. He had an Italian passport and was presumably harmless. We told only our family members about the situation because it wasn't a big deal; it was just out of the ordinary.

A week later:
My friend called me and asked me why I hadn't told her what happened. "What do you mean?" I asked. She explained to me how her husband had been in the grocery store and a woman he knew asked him if he heard anything about the strange Middle Eastern man with a black bag who had been arrested for snooping around on our property! I couldn't contain my laughter. The most bizarre part of the whole ordeal was how this woman in the store had even heard about it in the first place! ----->Gossip is Queen here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
