Wednesday, November 01, 2006


In Old DeKalb, my brother-in-law claims he encountered a cougar. (Cougar, Mountain Lion, Puma- all the same animal) He said he heard his dog barking at about 5:30 a.m. and he went out to investigate. He then heard a loud growling sound, that sounded like a cougar. He shined a flashlight around the property and said he saw the animal in a tree. This was the begining of October and some leaves were still on the tree. He said he didn't get a good look at it but his dog (a Shephard Husky mix) put her tail between her legs and stayed right by his side. He saw a tan body of a big cat and white on it's face. He had his gun with him and he went to load it but when he put the flashlight down, the creature jumped out of the tree and ran off. The year before, the neighbor called and said he saw what looked to be a big cat up on their hill. Are there mountain lions around here? The DEC website says not likely but there is a small chance. My brother in-law is convinced. I have heard other stories too.


Judy said...

Interesting story. In my neighborhood there have always been tales of black panthers. If any of them are true sightings (as opposed to mistaken identities: a bobcat is tan and has a cat's face; a fisher is very dark and can resemble a large cat), maybe one day these sighters will carry digital cameras instead of guns!

Check out yesterday's visitor to my house on my blog.

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Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago my wife and I were watching tv about 1am and kept hearing a noise like a short growl. My wife said it was on the tv, so I muted the set and sure enough we heard it again. So I grabbed my flashlight and poked around. In the edge of the woods , right were there is a broken down chicken coop, I pointed the flashlight. It's eyes reflected back brightly and they were almost a foot apart ! It ducked down and poped back up. Then it was gone. The next day I went were I saw it to look for paw prints. I beleive it was trapped in the fencing that was collapsed around the coop. I sure wish I grabbed my camera instead of the flashlight.