Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Help Needed

I am in desperate need of financial help. The problem is, in this neck of the woods, everyone is in need of financial help. Our combined income is too much to receive any services, but our debts are too high to obtain a loan or mortgage. What do we do? Not to mention, Iraq Veteran status means nothing. It's disgraceful. No help for those who work their asses off. Declaring bankruptcy is looking more like the option but there has got to be another way. We moved up here three years ago hoping to build a house on the land we bought. The land was raw though, and remains that way to this day. We work day in and day out just to get by. It's no kind of life. We've also got a baby on the way in June, and a looming eviction from my grandmothers house which we've been living in virtually rent free to get caught up on things but now, grandma is in a nursing home and the state will be involved soon. We can't buy the house through a first time home buyers program or a low income housing program because 1. Either our income is over the bracket or 2. Our debts are too high as I mentioned in the beginning. I don't suggest any young couples ever relocate to the North Country. It's rare that anyone succeeds up here. You've got to have quite a lot of money saved in order to survive. This area has chewed us up and spit us out. Canada isn't too far away... I'll try to be positive.